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    • Webinar: from Scribe to Screen

      Date: Tuesday, 18 March 2025
      Time: 12:00 – 13:30 CET
      Location: online 👉 register now to participate (Zoom link will be sent by e-mail to all registered participants).

      Sources and Approaches to Global History in the Digital Age

      Digital humanities and the digitisation of archives are ever-growing trends in academia. How will digitisation open up new opportunities and yet present new challenges to historical research? Co-organised with Leiden University’s COGLOSS series, the GLOBALISE project — as well as projects associated with it (Combatting Bias and Necessary Reunions) — invites discussions on digitisation, accessibility, and new approaches to global history.

      Part 1 of this webinar introduces GLOBALISE and its affiliated projects. Part 2 takes the form of ‘lightning talks’, providing a platform for early career researchers to share their research and reflect on how digital methods have informed their work.

      Speakers: Lodewijk Petram, Manjusha Kuruppath, Leon van Wissen, Amber Zijlma, Mrinalini Luthra, Li Yichao, Bart van Duijvenbode, Rosalie Oudshoorn, Satrio (Ody) Dwicahyo


      12.00 – 12.05 Introductions by Pichayapat Naisupap and Melinda Susanto

      Part 1

      12.05 – 12.10: GLOBALISELodewijk Petram

      GLOBALISE is an infrastructural project committed to enhancing the accessibility and research potential of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) archives. These archives offer a unique perspective on the VOC’s complex role in history, as well as glimpses into early modern societies in Asia, Africa, and Australia. The project aims to empower researchers and the general public to explore these archives and write new, inclusive histories.

      12.10 – 12.20: Necessary ReunionsManjusha Kuruppath and Leon van Wissen

      The Necessary Reunions project applies emerging techniques of georeferencing and machine-generated transcriptions to the VOC’s textual archives and maps of early modern Kerala, India. The information obtained through these methods will help reconceptualise Kerala’s early modern topography and consequently help support the writing of new histories of the region.

      12.20 – 12.35: Combatting BiasAmber Zijlma and Mrinalini Luthra

      The Combatting Bias project focuses on the issue of ‘bias’ in the creation of datasets and their use in social sciences and humanities research. Rather than viewing bias as a flaw to be eliminated — an impossible and counterproductive goal, we approach it as a category of analysis to interrogate how knowledge is produced and engage with power structures that shape historical narratives. The project will produce an overview of biases alongside practical guidelines to help researchers identify, analyse, articulate, and reduce biases embedded in their works.

      12-35 – 12:45: Q & A

      Part 2

      12.50 – 13.20: Lightning talks

      Li Yichao, Peking University

      Li Yichao is in the fourth year of the BA programme and the ‘year zero’ of MPhil programme in the Department of History, Peking University. He focuses on the ‘Chinese Hospital’ system in Southeast Asia glocally, which might help bridge the gap between East Asian Studies and Southeast Asian Studies.

      Bart van Duijvenbode, Radboud University

      Bart van Duijvenbode is a BA student at the Radboud University in the Netherlands. His research focuses on a group of textile merchants on the Coromandel Coast from 1760 to 1780 and how they utilise their network, both for trade and for combating extortion from the VOC.

      Rosalie Oudshoorn, Leiden University

      Rosalie Oudshoorn is an MA student in Colonial and Global History at Leiden University’s Institute for History. She conducts research on female leadership and the workings of the matrilineal system in Malabar using the VOC archives. She is currently writing her MA thesis on the position of ranis in Malabar.

      Satrio (OdyDwicahyo, Leiden University

      Satrio ‘Ody’ Dwicahyo is a PhD candidate at Leiden University’s Institute for History and a teaching staff member at the History Department of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. His research explores the role of violence in political conflicts in Java during the 17th and 18th centuries. He works with transliterated Javanese sources alongside VOC documents from the period.

      13.20 – 13.30: Q & A

    • Symposium: Colonial Archives and Meaningful Digital Infrastructure

      Date: Friday, 24 January 2025
      Time: 10:00 – 15:00 CET
      Location: Radboud University, Maria Montessorigebouw, room MM 00.029, Thomas van Aquinostraat 4, 6525 GD Nijmegen

      How can digital infrastructures for colonial archives support a better understanding of historical and contemporary issues? This symposium brings together researchers and practitioners to discuss the challenges and opportunities of working with digitized colonial records.

      👉 Register now to participate in person or online (Zoom link will be sent by e-mail to all registered participants).

      Key topics

      • Colonial archives and global significance
        Reflect on the relevance of these archives for understanding shared histories and their broader implications.
      • Text recognition and digital access
        Explore what comes after digitization and how to create meaningful tools for using complex historical records.
      • Biases in the archive
        Address the inherent biases in colonial records and their impact on research and public access.
      • Reaching new audiences
        Consider how digital infrastructures can engage diverse groups, including descendants of colonized communities.
      A volume from the Overgekomen Brieven en Papieren series in the VOC archives. Photo Dave Straatmeyer.

      Event overview

      Many archives related to the Dutch colonial past have been digitised in recent years. From the archives of the VOC and WIC to early modern family, notarial, and business archives. These archives are closely intertwined with the colonial past itself. They contain information that sheds light on the (everyday) consequences and experiences of colonialism worldwide. These archives also provide access to information about non-European societies that is often not preserved in other ways. Colonial archives are often literally world heritage. More and more archives are therefore being made accessible through digitisation and text recognition. But as rich and diverse as these archives are, they are not neutral.

      Challenges and questions

      The symposium Colonial archives and meaningful digital infrastructure explores challenges, questions, and examples surrounding digital access and enrichment of shared resources related to the colonial past.

      • How can digital infrastructure contribute to making unique information about the people and societies affected by or resisting colonialism findable and researchable?
      • How can multiple perspectives and the many voices in these archives be made more visible?
      • How can we ethically employ new techniques?
      • And who are the true beneficiaries of advanced access and research infrastructure?
      • Who should these initiatives serve, and how can global stakeholders beyond Dutch and professional users be reached (such as the descendants of colonized societies and of those societies whose pasts can be reconstructed using these archives)?

      New approaches

      Last spring, the advice Dealing with shared sources of the colonial past. Advice on repair and restitution in relation to colonial archives by the Dutch Council for Culture called attention to the role that a responsible handling of colonial archives can play in a better understanding of the impact of colonialism worldwide and its legacies to the present day. It also emphasised that colonial archives themselves are often tools that serviced colonial rule, and whose accessibility has often accentuated the flawed and one-sided perspectives that they bear.

      New approaches are thus key to ensuring that new digital access and user infrastructures do not amplify colonial distortions or injustices, but instead contribute to dialogues in, and between, former colonizer and colonised societies. This leads to the question: how can digital infrastructures for colonial archives contribute to a better understanding of past and present in a complex world of present-day inequalities and memory cultures?

      Program and practical information

      09.30 – 10.00 Coffee outside the symposium room MM 00.029

      10.00 – 10.15 Welcome
      Liedeke Plate, professor and director Radboud Institute for Culture and History, specialized in art, culture and inclusion
      Matthias van Rossum, professor Radboud University and researcher IISH Amsterdam, specialized in colonial and labour history

      10.15 – 11.00 Panel: Colonial archives, worldwide relevance and the potential of digital unlocking 
      Rita Tjien Fooh, national archivist and director National Archives of Suriname, and President Forum of National Archivists
      Nadeera Rupesinghe, director general National Archives of Sri Lanka and historian of VOC Sri Lanka
      Margo Groenewoud, specialist in colonial archives and digital humanities and historian of the Caribbean
      Wisaal Abrahams, visual producer, visual artist and researcher of South African society and history
      Nancy Jouwe, cultural historian and researcher, expert in (post)colonial pasts and present, member of the Dutch Council of Culture (Raad voor Cultuur)

      Moderator: Wim Manuhutu, heritage specialist and historian VU University, specialized in Moluccan and colonial history

      11.00 – 12.00 Text recognition, and then what? Towards meaningful infrastructures for complex archives
      Onsland.nl, presented by Thomas van Maaren, community manager WO2Net and Onsland
      GLOBALISE, presented by Kay Pepping, Brecht Nijman, Stella Verkijk, team members and researchers GLOBALISE
      HUF-project, presented by Hylkje de Jong, professor history of law VU University and projectleader of the Staten van Holland-Utrecht-Friesland project

      Chair: Lodewijk Petram, historian Huygens Institute, specialized in financial and public history

      12.00 – 13.00 Lunch break

      Lunch is not included, but there is the possibility to visit the Grand Café Iris (Maria Montessori building) or the Refter (Erasmus building).

      12.30 – 13.00 Coffee outside the symposium room MM 00.029

      13.00 – 14.00 Biased structures in the archive as challenge and source
      Combatting Bias, Amber Zijlma and Mrinalini Luthra
      Exploring Slave Trade in Asia, Britt van Duijvenvoorde, Pascal Konings
      GLOBALISE dataset on ethnic, racial and social categories, Dung Pham, Henrike Vellinga
      Resilient Diversity court records database, presented by Elisabeth Heijmans and Sophie Rose

      Chair: Lodewijk Petram, historian Huygens Institute, specialized in financial and public history

      14.00 – 15.00 Slotpanel: Can we reach new audiences? Ways forward for digital infrastructures and colonial archives
      Manjusha Kuruppath, team leader at the digital infrastructure project GLOBALISE and historian of the VOC and colonial encounters
      Mark Ponte, historian and researcher Stadsarchief Amsterdam, specialized in subaltern and micro-histories
      Luc Bulten, historian, lecturer at Radboud University and researcher at Cambridge University, specialized in colonial and non-western history
      Stephanie Welvaart, sociologist, independent researcher and specialist in heritage and memory of sensitive and colonial histories

      Moderator: Melinda Susanto, historian, outreach manager GLOBALISE and PhD researcher Leiden University

      Inaugural Lecture

      Picture of Matthias van Rossum, project leader GLOBALISE

      After the symposium, attendees are invited to join the inaugural lecture of GLOBALISE project leader Matthias van Rossum (in Dutch) at 15:45, titled De ‘jongens’ van Bontekoe? Over nut en noodzaak van mondiale geschiedenissen van kolonialisme en arbeid. Separate registration is required through the form on the Radboud University announcement page.


      Register now to participate in the symposium in person or online.

    • Announcement: Inaugural Lecture by Matthias van Rossum

      GLOBALISE is delighted to announce the inaugural lecture of its project leader Matthias van Rossum, who has been appointed to the special chair of Global Histories of Labour and Colonialism at Radboud University. His lecture, titled De ‘jongens’ van Bontekoe? Over nut en noodzaak van mondiale geschiedenissen van kolonialisme en arbeid, will take place on Friday, January 24, 2025, at 3:45 PM in the Radboud Aula in Nijmegen. A livestream of the event will be available.

      The lecture will be delivered in Dutch.

      Registration is required to attend and can be completed via the Radboud University website. For more details and to register, visit Radboud University’s official annoucement.

    • GLOBALISE seminar: CAPASIA, The Asian Origins of Global Capitalism

      Join us for a seminar presented by the CAPASIA and GLOBALISE projects!

      Date: Tuesday, 21 May 2024
      Time: 15:00 – 16:00 CEST, drinks afterwards
      Location: Room 2.18 of the Spinhuis, Oudezijds Achterburgwal 185, 1012 DK Amsterdam


      • Maarten Draper (European University Institute)
      • Sebastian Majstorovic (European University Institute)


      • Luc Bulten (Radboud University)

      Seminar overview

      The CAPASIA project analyzes approximately 150 European ‘factories’ established in maritime Asia between 1500-1800. It views these not just as trade locations, but as vibrant hubs of material and information exchanges between Asians and Europeans. The project uses the factories as a lens to explore the Asian origins of global capitalism. In their talk, Maarten Draper and Sebastian Majstorovic will provide an overview of the aims and methodology of the CAPASIA project, including the development of a comprehensive database of these factories. They will also discuss how the CAPASIA and GLOBALISE projects align and build upon each other.

      CAPASIA (https://www.capasia.eu/) is a five-year ERC-funded project hosted at the European University Institute in Florence. Its deliverables include a user-friendly website that will serve as a repository for data on the factories, a meeting place for scholars, and a medium for decolonizing histories of global capitalism. GLOBALISE (https://globalise.huygens.knaw.nl/), a five-year NWO-funded project based at the Huygens Institute in Amsterdam, focuses on making the VOC archives more accessible to researchers.

      View of the Harbor of Sūrat (Gujarāt), anonymous, c. 1670 Rijkmuseum, SK-A-4778, CC0
      View of the Harbor of Sūrat (Gujarāt), anonymous, c. 1670 Rijkmuseum, SK-A-4778, CC0
    • GLOBALISE Datasprint: What on Earth is This? Defining, Labeling and Classifying Early Modern Commodities

      Date: Monday 4 December
      Time: 13:00 – 16:15
      Location: Room F0.01 at the Humanities Labs, University of Amsterdam (Bushuis, Kloveniersburgwal 48 Amsterdam).
      Parallel sessions will be organised for online participants.
      Registration: Eventbrite
      Tools: Bring your own laptop!

      Are you a historian or a student of history at university with a keen interest in trade, material culture, commodity histories or just good old historical research? If yes, we at the GLOBALISE Project (KNAW Humanities Cluster), in collaboration with the CREATE Lab (UvA), invite you to participate in a workshop to contribute to and enrich our thesaurus of commodities traded in the early modern Indian Ocean world.

      As part of our effort to contextualise the contents of millions of pages from the VOC archives, we are creating a glossary and taxonomy of hundreds of commodities that were traded by the Dutch East India Company and local communities. We plan to publish the first online version of the dataset shortly. Owing to the size of the Dutch East India Company archives, this makes this corpus the potentially single largest source available to uncovering the history of the region. For this reason, we believe that our commodities dataset will be of indispensable use for researching these archives and writing new histories of trade and consumption in the Indian Ocean in the period.

      An example of a cargo list with textiles from Ceylon in the VOC archive, with several packs of bethilles, moeris, vlaggedoek, salempoeris, neusdoeken and periemoenemolam. Nationaal Archief, CC0.

      We would like to invite you to participate in a half-day datasprint where we will research the definition of commodities, scour the VOC archives and other sources to find alternative labels for these goods, and even categorise commodities in groups that would be interesting and valuable for your own research. This will be the perfect opportunity to sink your teeth into the archives of the Dutch East India Company, learn more about commodities that crossed the early modern seas, deploy your skills of historical research, interact with like-minded students and scholars, and contribute to the creation of a vital, shared resource.


      13:00 – 13:15 Introduction
      13:15 – 14:15 Sprint part 1
      14:15 – 14:30 Break
      14:30 – 14:45 Commodity Stories
      14:45 – 15:45 Sprint part 2
      15:45 – 16:15 Closing discussion

    • GLOBALISE HTR Launch

      Date: Wednesday 4 October 2023
      Time: 12:15 – 17:30 CEST
      Location: International Institute of Social History, Cruquiusweg 31, 1019 AT Amsterdam
      Registration (required): Eventbrite

      GLOBALISE is pleased to announce that the first results of the project are now available to all. You are warmly invited to find out more at an event hosted by the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam, on Wednesday 4 October 2023 from 12:15 to 17:30 CEST.

      The program features the launch of a simple viewer for searching and browsing the transcriptions, and sessions in which the team will share updates on the project and future plans. Also, participants can search through the transcriptions in a hands-on workshop session (and perhaps find that one obscure reference they were looking for!). Finally, there will be short presentations of recent research with the VOC archives and time for discussion.

      Screenshot of the GLOBALISE transcriptions viewer
      Screenshot of the GLOBALISE transcriptions viewer

      Please note that this event will be on site in Amsterdam.


      12:15 – 13:00 Walk-in lunch (upon registration)

      13:00 – 13:20 Introduction and updates

      13:20 – 14:00 Workshop: working with the VOC transcriptions

      14:00 – 14:15 Break

      14:15 – 14:50 Research presentations

      14:50 – 15:25 Reflections

      15:25 – 15:50 Break

      15:50 – 16:40 Looking ahead, Q&A

      16:50 – 16:45 Closing remarks

      16:45 – 17:30 Drinks

    • GLOBALISE Datasprint: Mapping Places in the Indian Ocean World

      In collaboration with the CREATE Lab, University of Amsterdam

      Date: Monday 15 May 2023
      Time: 13:00 – 17:00 CEST
      Location: Bushuis F0.01, Kloveniersburgwal 48, 1012 CX Amsterdam
      Registration: via Eventbrite


      Historical places are important building blocks for the reconstruction of historical events. The GLOBALISE corpus of about 5 million pages from the VOC archives describes hundreds of thousands of events that took place over a period of two centuries in a large number of locations spread over a huge area around the Indian Ocean and Indonesian archipelago. Thanks to initiatives like the Atlas of Mutual Heritage and the World Historical Gazetteer, we can locate some of the places mentioned, but by no means all of them. Within GLOBALISE, we would like to bring as much of these locations to light as possible by creating a dataset that identifies and geolocates historical places mentioned in our texts. This is challenging, as disambiguation of spelling variations is not always easy, place names appear in different languages, change over time, and sources present ambiguous references to locations.

      This datasprint aims to foster collaboration between historians, heritage professionals and data scientists for better availability of data on historical places. It intends to curate, publish, and link data on historical places collected by researchers within their own projects, as well as test and improve digital techniques to extract, structure, and share data on places. In addition to data creation, curation, and linking, this datasprint will offer a space to exchange knowledge and expertise on historical places and contexts, and digital techniques. We hope that by the end of the datasprint, all participants will have learned something, and that we will have generated valuable data on historical locations with which to improve our understanding of the early modern Indian Ocean and Indonesian archipelago worlds.


      The datasprint consists of three simultaneous sessions on georeferencing, data extraction, and data linking respectively. Everyone with an affinity or interest in (early modern) maps, history of the Indian Ocean World, or digital techniques for data extraction, is welcome to join regardless of technical / historical proficiency!

      Georeferencing early modern maps

      Chair: Jules Schoonman (TU Delft)
      Preparation: None.
      Tools: Your own laptop with an up-to-date browser (preferably Firefox or Chrome) with javascript enabled.

      Digitised historical maps can be challenging to read and compare to modern-day maps, due to their difference in style, orientation, map projection and more. In these scenarios, it is helpful to georeference a map by relating several points to geospatial coordinates. On the basis of this information, the map can be used as an overlay in interactive web maps or GIS-applications, allowing for direct comparison between then and now. Other use cases include drawing geospatial data on the historical map or, conversely, the vectorisation of its features. Traditionally, such methods require the creation of derivatives, duplicate server infrastructures, and the use of proprietary software–often not resulting in open and reusable data.

      This session introduces Allmaps, a new set of open-source tools to georeference, view and explore digitised maps from institutions supporting the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF). Using the sub-collection of maps from the Atlas of Mutual Heritage originating from the National Archives, we will (1) learn about IIIIF and how to find the right endpoints, (2) georeference maps in the Allmaps Editor, (3) learn about the format of a Georeference Annotation, (4) view the map in the Allmaps Viewer, (5) explore other uses for georeferenced maps.

      A Dutch Map of Buton Island from 1749 as an overlay on a modern map. (Source: Allmaps)

      Data extraction from early modern maps

      Chair: Melvin Wevers (University of Amsterdam)
      Preparation: None.
      Tools: Your own laptop with an up-to-date browser (preferably Firefox or Chrome) with javascript enabled.

      A substantial collection of historical location data for the Indian Ocean and Indonesian archipelago worlds is already available, notably in the Atlas of Mutual Heritage database that provides useful metadata for visual sources such as old maps. We aim to expand on this by, for instance, identifying locations and other geospatial features on a selection of old maps from the National Archives. In this session we will first try to identify the kind of information that can be extracted from old maps (e.g. inhabited places, but also, for example, plantations, mills, and harbours) to come up with an initial annotation framework, after which we will annotate these maps ourselves. The resulting data can be a starting point for automating the information extraction from old maps further.

      An example of an annotated place on an old map. (Source: Recogito)

      Curating and linking new places data(sets) via World Historical Gazetteer

      Chair: Rombert Stapel (International Institute of Social History)
      Preparation (optional): Bring your own data – a clean places dataset and access to your own dataset during session.
      Tools: Your own laptop.

      Do you have a finished or in-progress dataset on historical locations originating from your research or personal project and would you like to be able to geolocate these places and enrich your data with other historical data? In this session, we will work together to curate locations datasets to then upload them to the World Historical Gazetteer database and link them to other places in the WHG index – generating new, accessible, and reusable data on historical places.

      An overview of places from the Atlas of Mutual Heritage database indexed in the World Historical Gazetteer. (Source: World Historical Gazetteer)


      13:00 Introduction

      13:45 Breakout sessions: start

      15:00 Break

      15:15 Breakout sessions: wrapping up

      16:00 Session results and conclusions

      16:30 Reflection

      17:00 Drinks

    • GLOBALISE seminar: Historical Events and Frames Annotation Processes

      28 NOVEMBER 2022

      • Jens Aurich (Junior Researcher | International Institute for Social History)
        “Finding and Annotating Collective Labour Actions in Newspapers with INCEpTION”
      • Stella Verkijk (Developer | GLOBALISE)
        “Towards Automatic Event Detection in VOC Documents”

      Date: Monday, 28 November 2022
      Time: 15:00 – 16:30 CET
      Location: Spinhuis room 2.18* & Zoom
      *Huygens Institute: Oudezijds Achterburgwal 185, 1012 DK Amsterdam

    • GLOBALISE seminar: Classification of Historical Data and Collections

      31 OCTOBER 2022

      • Shannon van Muijden (Datamanager | Zuiderzeemuseum)
        “Classification and Linked Data for Heritage Collections”
      • Toine Pieters (Professor | Utrecht University)
        “Classification of pharmaceutical and botanical data in TimeCapsule”
      • Kay Pepping (Junior Researcher | GLOBALISE)
        “Creating a commodity classification for the Indian Ocean World”

      Date: Monday, 31 October 2022
      Time: 15:00 – 16:30 CET
      Location: Spinhuis room 2.18* & Zoom

    • GLOBALISE seminar: Writing Global Histories with the VOC Archives

      26 SEPTEMBER 2022

      What kind of information do the VOC archives contain, how do we use them to write histories and what difficulties do we face in the process?

      During this seminar, we will look at the VOC archives from a researcher’s point of view in light of different projects.

      With presentations by:

      • Hanna te Velde (Researcher | VU Amsterdam)
        “Women and their strategies for socio-economic mobility in VOC and WIC settlements”
      • Maarten Manse (Researcher | VU Amsterdam)
        “The VOC archives as a lens on early modern globalisation”
      • Manjusha Kuruppath (Researcher | GLOBALISE)
        “From VOC archives to datasets and back”

      Date: Monday, 26 September 2022
      Time: 15:00 – 16:30 CEST
      Location: Spinhuis room 2.18* & Zoom

    • GLOBALISE seminar: Entity Modelling and Historical Observations

      27 JUNE 2022

      • Claude Chevaleyre (Researcher | Bonn University)
        Modelling Observations of Slave Trade and Human Trafficking
      • Leon van Wissen (Data Engineer | GLOBALISE)
        Modelling Globalise Pilot Data

      Date: Monday, 27 June 2022
      Time: 15:00 – 16:30 CEST
      Location: Spinhuis room 2.18* & Zoom
      *Huygens Institute: Oudezijds Achterburgwal 185, 1012 DK Amsterdam

    • GLOBALISE seminar: Entity Linking and (the Trouble of) Historical Data

      30 MAY 2022

      • Bas van den Brink (Student | UvA)
        Entitity Linking in Structured Data on Slave Trade
      • Megan Hadasa Leal Causton (Researcher | National Archives)
        Entity Linking in Structured Data and HTR-ed Archival Series
      • Gerhard de Kok (Researcher | GLOBALISE)
        Entity Linking in Structured and Linked Data on VOC Ships

      Date: Monday, 30 May 2022
      Time: 15:00 – 16:30 CEST
      Location: Spinhuis room 2.18* & Zoom

    • GLOBALISE kickoff

      11 MAY 2022

      Location: International Institute for Social History, Amsterdam & Zoom

      See this blog post by Merve Tosun to learn more about the GLOBALISE kickoff meeting.

      Getting started!